'यदि आप गरीबी, भुखमरी के विरुद्ध आवाज उठाएंगे तो आप अर्बन नक्सल कहे जायेंगे. यदि आप अल्पसंख्यकों के दमन के विरुद्ध बोलेंगे तो आतंकवादी कहे जायेंगे. यदि आप दलित उत्पीड़न, जाति, छुआछूत पर बोलेंगे तो भीमटे कहे जायेंगे. यदि जल, जंगल, जमीन की बात करेंगे तो माओवादी कहे जायेंगे. और यदि आप इनमें से कुछ नहीं कहे जाते हैं तो यकीं मानिये आप एक मुर्दा इंसान हैं.' - आभा शुक्ला
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Subroto’s Corner

Rhetoric and Reality

Rhetoric, as a tool to inspire public sentiment in favour or against a particular ethos, has long been in practice. Mark Antony’s Friends, Romans and Countrymen outlines, perhaps, most vocally and definitively, the power and reach of rhetoric. The burning house of Brutus is a lingering memory in the minds of the readers even as Brutus is fighting a lost …

How Diverse is Diversity ?

Nature and life are essentially diverse . The quest for uniformity is only an attempt to denigrate , decompose and dilute the very principles upon which Nature is created, of which Man is only a part. In sociological terms, diversity is an attempt at diversifying the sources of material and social power to ensure justice to diverse groups or communities …

A State Within A State

Talking of state opens a Pandora’s box. There’s a plethora of explanations and definitions for a concept that is essentially inexplicable and undefinable. The reason being State is at the same time, both a microcosmic reality as well as an amoebic structure which splits and evolves with time and experience. Political philosophies which attempt at giving a structural credence to …

A Banana Republic

Even as the 69th Republic Day of India is drawing closer, I fondly remember the values, the dreams and the aspirations of a newly formed nation after nearly two centuries of foreign rule. The lofty ideals of keeping the people above everything, and everything means all constraints of hunger, illiteracy, poverty, inequality, untouchability and inequality before the law . We …

Judicial Activism

It’s a much maligned term in the context of the Indian judiciary and, therefore, needs a closer look. I am not either a constitutional or legal expert to wholly or largely comprehend and analyse the the outermost boundaries of our legal system and determine the exact points where it interferes into the domain of either legislative or the executive of …

Satyameva Jayate

Satya or Truth is always relative and never absolute. Therefore, Satya can never be a clear winner in any given circumstances. Here lies the irony between Truth and its interpretation. Each one of us is free to interpret the Truth as per our convenience, irrespective of its impact upon polity or society. In this context, Gautam Adani’s tweet Satyameva Jayate, …

Democracy vs Mobocracy

When India won freedom, Sir Winston Churchill, in his typical laconic manner, predicted that we will cease to be a democracy within 50 years of independence. In retrospect, I wonder, how close to truth he was. It didn’t take even 50 years from the first general elections in 1952 to 1975 for internal emergency to be declared in India which …

Balcanization of India

The gist of the matter is, Modi government seems to be successful in its nefarious design at balcanization of India. The boot lickers of the British empire, the unabashed pimps of the brothel of hypocrisy and anti national ethos in politics have acquired power through devious means by fooling the people with empty rhetoric of pseudo nationalism and development. A …
