Home ब्लॉग Subroto's Corner A State Within A State

A State Within A State

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A State Within A State
A State Within A State

Talking of state opens a Pandora’s box. There’s a plethora of explanations and definitions for a concept that is essentially inexplicable and undefinable. The reason being State is at the same time, both a microcosmic reality as well as an amoebic structure which splits and evolves with time and experience.

Political philosophies which attempt at giving a structural credence to the concept of State forget this basic truth very conveniently.

The collapse of the Soviet Union as a State is a glaring example. However, no less is glaring the degeneration of Afghanistan from a modern society in the 70’s to the Talibanisation of today.

The genesis of a communal, myopic and intolerant India can be found in the democratic, socialist republic which Nehru built so painstakingly in the first decades of our Independence. The thin veneer of respectability and acceptance as a world’s progressive citizen made room for the worst and the most degenerate of the political species within seven decades of independence.

The boastful democracy of the US also gets punctured only too often when the air resounds of the desperate whispers of I can’t breathe.

farmer vs police
farmer vs police

In more than one way, the stifled voice of the oppressed write a different story of a State which is not much different from the writers in exile in the Soviet Union. The song of the boatmen in an open sea don’t always find their sequestered land to build an Israel . So is the destiny of the Rohingyas and the Kashmiris.

On the other hand, the war cries of the ab originals for their lawful rights upon their dwellings creates a vision of a State which frightens the dominant State into retaliation of the most inhuman kind.

Within the very State, the divisions between the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate, the rational and the superstitious create innumerable States because of each one’s different approach and reach to the State they are living in. The State itself addresses to the concerns of these different groups of people in different manners in different times .

This is the microcosmic pattern in a State. On the other hand, when you abrogate Article 370 for pure communal reasons, you split the State like an amoeba by drawing fissures in the psyche of a people. The same thing happens when you try to superimpose falsehood over truth and tyranny over compassion and shameless slavery that crony capitalism over general well being to justify your usurpation of power.

To conclude, like any other thing, State is also not here to stay for ever. The latest schism is appearing between the advanced and the un advanced world during the period of pandemic. The advanced and the rich countries are dictating terms on the poor countries to follow their guidelines for Covid control . The poor countries can’t afford lockdowns and physical distance without compromising their economy . In India, Covid restrictions have dealt a body blow to the economy after Mr. Disaster and Divide forced the demonetisation down the parched throats of a hapless population.

In retaliation, therefore, a new State is emerging within the Indian State parallel to the concept of New India. Is anybody listening !

प्रतिभा एक डायरी स्वतंत्र ब्लाॅग है. इसे नियमित पढ़ने के लिए सब्सक्राईब करें. प्रकाशित ब्लाॅग पर आपकी प्रतिक्रिया अपेक्षित है. प्रतिभा एक डायरी से जुड़े अन्य अपडेट लगातार हासिल करने के लिए हमें फेसबुक और गूगल प्लस पर ज्वॉइन करें, ट्विटर हैण्डल पर फॉलो करे… एवं ‘मोबाईल एप ‘डाऊनलोड करें ]

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